Annual Report 2019
| Investor News
MPH Health Care AG publishes Annual Report 2019 – shortened deadlines for Annual General Meeting on 22 July 2020
- Consolidated net income (IFRS) 11.08 million euros
(previous year 37.02 million euros) - Increase in equity (IFRS) to 271.64 million euros
(previous year 269.13 million euros). Increase of Net Asset Value to Euro 6.34 per share (previous year Euro 6.29 per share) - Annual General Meeting still scheduled for 22.07.2020 – shortened deadlines
Berlin, 27 May 2020: MPH Health Care AG (“MPH”) today published its Annual Report for the 2019 financial year. According to this, the consolidated net income for the year according to IFRS accounting amounted to EUR 11.08 million (previous year EUR 37.02 million). Shareholders’ equity increased from EUR 269.13 million on 31 December 2018 to EUR 271.64 million on 31 December 2019. The NAV (Net Asset Value) increased accordingly from EUR 6.29 per share as of 31 December 2018 to EUR 6.34 per share as of 31 December 2019.
The consolidated financial statements for 2019 were adopted by the Supervisory Board in its meeting on 12 May 2020.
The Annual Report 2019 of MPH Health Care AG is available for download at
According to current planning, the Annual General Meeting of MPH Health Care AG is still scheduled to take place on 22 July 2020. For this purpose, the company is monitoring the further development of the corona pandemic in order to decide on this basis whether to hold either a face-to-face meeting or a virtual general meeting. For this purpose, the Company will work with shortened loading and notification periods. The invitation to the Annual General Meeting will probably be published in the Federal Gazette towards the end of week 26.